Annual Concert 2014
This year’s Annual Concert was something special. All the elements were right and just fell into place. We were able to field one of largest choirs for some time and the general feeling was that we sang at the top of our game - helped by the fact that we were singing to a packed and enthusiastic King’s Hall audience. The new item in our repertoire The Collier’s Requiem was particularly well received.
Also memorable was the section devoted to the Great War. Harry Kennedy introduced this with a very moving account of the story of the Menin Gate at Ypres in Belgium and the occasions on which the choir had been privileged to sing there. This was followed by the choir singing Songs from the First World War and Only Remembered.
The City of Bradford Brass Band were absolutely superb with a great selection of pieces.
The evening was also significant for marking new accompanist Pat Jones’ first Annual Concert and MD Alan Clark’s 20th!
A great evening all round, which closed with the choir, audience and band all joining together to raise the roof with Jerusalem and Land of Hope and Glory.
10 Year Service Badges Presentation
There’s no tradition like a new one! The first 10 year service badges were presented last year before the Annual Concert and this has now become an annual event.
Receiving their badges this year were four men - Michael Trott, Ted Mould, John Armitage and Peter Kitching. Chairman David Borley (above, centre) made the presentation in President Len Wilson’s absence (get better soon, Len).
- Peter Kitching
- John Armitage
- Michael Trott
- Ted Mould