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Monthly Archives: September 2014

Farewell Anne - Welcome, Pat!


We have been preparing for Anne Mott’s departure as our accompanist for some time (see post), but the new era had definitely arrived on Saturday, 30th Aug when Pat Jones took the accompanist’s seat at our concert in Harrogate. This was Pat’s first full concert as our permanent accompanist and a terrific job she did. The photo below shows how the all the members of the choir have taken Pat to their hearts!

Pat Jones - our new accompanis

Pat Jones - our new accompanist

Harrogate concert marks multiple debuts.


Our concert at Harrogate Methodist Church was a great success in all respects - a packed and appreciative audience, the largest choir we have had on stage for some time, a super instrumental soloist (well done Charles Tomlinson!) and a great place to sing all combined to make a really memorable evening. For the final encore the choir was swelled by the addition of a few retired members of the choir plus members of local choirs.

Pat Jones

Pat Jones

As previously reported this concert also marked the debut at a full concert of our new accompanist, Pat Jones. Pat did us proud and as a special treat, her predecessor Anne Mott who happened to be in the audience, joined Pat at the piano for an impromptu extra item - Rhythm of Life.

Jeremy Law and David Jones

Jeremy Law and David Jones

Also making their concert debut were Jeremy Law (1st Tenor) and David Jones (2nd Tenor - no relation to Pat!) Welcome lads, we noticed that the tenor section sounded particularly fine that night.